Food Insecurity Fallout

Sunny has taken to complaining that we have too much food in the house. It’s making me think about childhood food insecurity and how much it messes with people. Sunny grew up food insecure for her first 8 years. Her pantry was always absolutely bare except for bulk bags of rice. Everything else was purchasedContinue reading “Food Insecurity Fallout”

“Oh, that’s cool, I guess.”

I flipped through my memories the other day on Facebook and came across this one: Overheard, man and woman talking in the elevator.Woman: How old is the baby now?Man: 5 weeks, and she has lungs like an opera singer!(conversation ensues all about the man’s baby.)Woman: Did you know I have a baby now? I’m aContinue reading ““Oh, that’s cool, I guess.””

Different Kids, Different Views

Our experience with kids’ desires about their futures are pretty varied. We started our foster care journey with Kiddo. She had just turned 4 when she came to us. Initially her parents were not doing what they needed to to get her back, and Kiddo was seething with fury at her Mom for telling CPSContinue reading “Different Kids, Different Views”

“Are they all… troubled?”

I went to the doctor yesterday for some routine blood work. As so often happens, I chatted with the nurse who was taking my blood pressure and pulse and in the course of conversation she asked if I have any children. I answered her that I’m a foster parent. She then asked me what agesContinue reading ““Are they all… troubled?””

Being Hated by the Parents

Not all our foster parenting stories involve friendships between us and the kids’ parents. Seth and I pride ourselves on working really hard to have good relationships with parents of kids who are in our care, but it isn’t always possible for a whole variety of reasons. One very young mom was always fine withContinue reading “Being Hated by the Parents”