Food Insecurity Fallout

Sunny has taken to complaining that we have too much food in the house. It’s making me think about childhood food insecurity and how much it messes with people. Sunny grew up food insecure for her first 8 years. Her pantry was always absolutely bare except for bulk bags of rice. Everything else was purchasedContinue reading “Food Insecurity Fallout”

Foster Parent Life Hacks

A post about foster parenting hacks went up on one of the many foster parenting Facebook pages I follow. It gave me the inspiration to do my own list, as follows: Preparation prior to placements: Get waterproof mattress covers for ALL beds. They make ones that don’t make annoying crinkly noises now. They go onContinue reading “Foster Parent Life Hacks”

Trauma changes everything

Seth and I cleaned yesterday a bunch. He had the day off and though I was having a low energy day, it was a high motivation day and I powered through. We tackled the play room (my god what a mess!) and threw away broken toys and toys they’re misusing to beat on each other.Continue reading “Trauma changes everything”

Food Fights

One of the many challenges of foster parenting revolves around food. It’s an exhausting problem because there’s no escaping it – we all need to eat multiple times a day. When kids first come to us I make it clear they can ALWAYS have a snack from a particular tray in the pantry. It’s currentlyContinue reading “Food Fights”