Time on Hold

We’re all on the struggle bus right now. For one thing, we are waiting for good weather eagerly, and being thwarted. So far NY has offered us an earthquake and an eclipse for April, and today there’s a bit of sun, but we are all feeling cooped up and are wanting SUN and WARMTH enoughContinue reading “Time on Hold”

Christmas and other good things

I haven’t posted in a while so it feels like time for a general update since I am not feeling inspired with brilliant topics for posts. We are lucky in this fostering house that we currently have a foster kid who doesn’t have a lot of trauma associated with Christmas. Being Muslim, Sunny never reallyContinue reading “Christmas and other good things”

Islamic Education for Sunny and Sprout

Ever since Sunny came to us and we realized the importance of Islam to the girls’ family, we’ve been searching for the right Muslim community for them. We tried a mosque by the university, but Sunny didn’t have a good experience there and begged not to go back. We asked their family for ideas butContinue reading “Islamic Education for Sunny and Sprout”

“Do you trust me to be your kid?”

We have lots of conversations lately about what “family” means. Sprout, whose adoption is in the not-too-distant future (in theory anyway), has been super aware of the fact that she’s not a permanent part of our family yet. She’s very insecure about it, and asks almost daily if she can be a part of ourContinue reading ““Do you trust me to be your kid?””

It’s a Birthday. Brace for Impact.

Birthdays for foster kids can be unexpectedly full of strange emotions and events. It’s Sunny’s 9th birthday today, and she’s suuuuper excited. For one thing, her family didn’t really celebrate birthdays so this is an exciting new “English” (non-Muslim) tradition for her. For another, like all kids, she wants to be the center of attentionContinue reading “It’s a Birthday. Brace for Impact.”

Representation Matters, Again

The other morning I found a video of Say Yes to the Dress Lancashire by accident. Well, ok, not really by accident, it’s sort of a guilty pleasure. I simply adore Gok. I think he’s pure magic with women who have body image issues and I’m totally here for it. But I digress. The brideContinue reading “Representation Matters, Again”

About that “Village” Thing

Twice now I’ve gotten dressed in a dress and a hijab and taken Sunny to Arabic class at her mosque. She’s a sight in her own hijab – bursting with pride about being Muslim and looking pretty all dressed up. I so wish I could share pictures of her – she just radiates joy whenContinue reading “About that “Village” Thing”

Religion is Tricky

The Backstory I was raised Catholic. Seth was raised intermittently Pentecostal – i.e. Pentecostal when his parents weren’t getting kicked out of churches for pushing limits. We both walked away from our childhoods abhorring organized religion and its exclusivity. About 22 years later, when Kiddo had been with us for about 6 months, we realizedContinue reading “Religion is Tricky”

Foster Care and God

I feel like there are so many foster care blogs that are very religious, and a lot of people do enter foster parenting because they say they are Christian and “felt called by God” to foster or adopt kids. If you read my previous post about why I foster, you know God doesn’t really factorContinue reading “Foster Care and God”