Dealing with Uncertainty

Foster care is nothing if not filled with uncertainty. We have 10-year-old Sunny with us still. She’s been here 519 days counting today. She says she still wants to go home, but my suspicion is that she would have a very hard time transitioning back to her old style of family life. Her family isContinue reading “Dealing with Uncertainty”

Christmas and other good things

I haven’t posted in a while so it feels like time for a general update since I am not feeling inspired with brilliant topics for posts. We are lucky in this fostering house that we currently have a foster kid who doesn’t have a lot of trauma associated with Christmas. Being Muslim, Sunny never reallyContinue reading “Christmas and other good things”

Foster Parent Life Hacks

A post about foster parenting hacks went up on one of the many foster parenting Facebook pages I follow. It gave me the inspiration to do my own list, as follows: Preparation prior to placements: Get waterproof mattress covers for ALL beds. They make ones that don’t make annoying crinkly noises now. They go onContinue reading “Foster Parent Life Hacks”

We’re done fostering other than the family we’ve got with us… right?

We got a call last week for a 4-year-old little boy with feeding problems and behavioral challenges. I’d sworn we were done fostering except for Sunny and Sprout and maybe other family members of theirs. We got rid of all of our fostering stuff – clothing and cribs and toddler beds included. But. Feeding problemsContinue reading “We’re done fostering other than the family we’ve got with us… right?”

Sproutlet Delight

From the fourth day she was with us back in April 2020, I knew Sprout was a ham with a huge personality. The first three days she was here, she spent sobbing if I put her down. I held her for more than 3 days straight, including overnights, which I spent in an armchair notContinue reading “Sproutlet Delight”

Forecast: Sunny skies for now

So it’s been about a week and a half since Sunny, Sprout’s biological sister, joined us. When I first mentioned her in this blog I said: On Tuesday, Sprout’s sister “Sunny” (8) joined us for… well, for now. It’s foster care so who the heck knows for how long? There are some relatives who mayContinue reading “Forecast: Sunny skies for now”

The Great Clothing Purge

When we first became foster parents, Seth and I started a foster care clothing closet. We would just set aside clothing we got for our kids that they didn’t like, or that didn’t fit anymore. We figured it would make sense to hold onto all that clothing for future foster kids. We also got someContinue reading “The Great Clothing Purge”