The Power a Good Foster Parent Has

This week I shot an email to Sunny’s attorney and asked her to give me a call when she got the chance. She did so promptly, and I told her in no uncertain terms that Sunny is struggling emotionally here more and more as time passes, and that both her therapist and I think it’sContinue reading “The Power a Good Foster Parent Has”

Frustration and Questions

I’m not in the business of badmouthing anybody, but I figure an update is appropriate as I have followers who are now – or who are thinking of becoming – foster parents who want to know what this gig is really like. I think I mentioned previously that our last case worker left the agency.Continue reading “Frustration and Questions”

We’re done fostering other than the family we’ve got with us… right?

We got a call last week for a 4-year-old little boy with feeding problems and behavioral challenges. I’d sworn we were done fostering except for Sunny and Sprout and maybe other family members of theirs. We got rid of all of our fostering stuff – clothing and cribs and toddler beds included. But. Feeding problemsContinue reading “We’re done fostering other than the family we’ve got with us… right?”

Trauma changes everything

Seth and I cleaned yesterday a bunch. He had the day off and though I was having a low energy day, it was a high motivation day and I powered through. We tackled the play room (my god what a mess!) and threw away broken toys and toys they’re misusing to beat on each other.Continue reading “Trauma changes everything”

Recertification as a Foster Home

Every two years we have to be re-certified by the County that holds our foster care license. The process is fairly simple. First, we have to do physicals. There’s a form our doctors have to complete that basically confirms we are healthy enough to be foster parents and are up to date generally. Second, sinceContinue reading “Recertification as a Foster Home”

Relationships with Parents of our kids

Generally speaking, we’ve had good relationships with the parents of the kids in our care, or at least with the Moms who are doing the hard work to get their kids back. Dads have been hit or miss but the ones who have been engaged in services and visits we’ve had a good working relationshipContinue reading “Relationships with Parents of our kids”

The World Came Tumbling Down

Sometimes things go as planned in foster care. Once in a great while, something that has been expected comes to pass. Most of the time though, things will be trucking along looking like they’re headed one way, then everything goes pear shaped. As it did with us and Miss Kicks. She started going AWOL inContinue reading “The World Came Tumbling Down”

Do the parents know where we live?

Nope. Definitely not. Even Kiddo’s mom, who has become a good friend and is welcome at our house literally any time, has only been coming to our house for about a year now. Until then she didn’t know where we lived. Why? If we want to have good relationships with our kids’ parents, why wouldn’tContinue reading “Do the parents know where we live?”