It’s Mother’s Day, FWIW

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Mother’s Day. I always struggled with it as a younger adult because I didn’t have kids, didn’t want biological kids, and felt inherently that Mother’s Day was the world’s way to point out that I wasn’t the “ideal woman.” Ideal women prioritize reproduction. Once I becameContinue reading “It’s Mother’s Day, FWIW”

Dealing with Uncertainty

Foster care is nothing if not filled with uncertainty. We have 10-year-old Sunny with us still. She’s been here 519 days counting today. She says she still wants to go home, but my suspicion is that she would have a very hard time transitioning back to her old style of family life. Her family isContinue reading “Dealing with Uncertainty”

Life Carries On

It’s funny. I’d been longing to adopt Sprout for so long, and so worried it would not happen, that when it did actually happen I was a bit gobsmacked for a day or two. Could it really have taken place?! Finally?! But then, life just carried on, as it has a way of doing! NothingContinue reading “Life Carries On”

Frustration and Questions

I’m not in the business of badmouthing anybody, but I figure an update is appropriate as I have followers who are now – or who are thinking of becoming – foster parents who want to know what this gig is really like. I think I mentioned previously that our last case worker left the agency.Continue reading “Frustration and Questions”

The Winds of Change

The girls just got back from a visit with their Mama. Once a month, the case worker takes the girls to meet Mama at a city halfway between where we live and where Mama lives. They get to see their siblings usually at these visits too. When they got back, the case worker, who hasContinue reading “The Winds of Change”

Waiting Game

I suck at being patient. Just ask my long suffering husband! Court was more than three weeks ago. The possibility of the girls’ third sister moving here at least temporarily was discussed at length at court. The judge didn’t order it, but told the agency they had to make certain medical things happen for theContinue reading “Waiting Game”

Odds and Ends

Visit Fallout I wrote last about the visit last Saturday being especially hard on the kids. What I should have predicted was the continuing fallout. On Sunday, the girls woke up late and were just off somehow. So I asked them if they needed hugs and they both exclaimed “Yes!” and rushed over to me.Continue reading “Odds and Ends”

Oh boy. Exactly what just happened?

Yesterday was a rough day for me. We had a service plan review (“SPR”) meeting for the girls, which means the case workers and Mama and a third party reviewer go over her case and what she needs to do to get her kids back. I get to attend as a foster parent. Then laterContinue reading “Oh boy. Exactly what just happened?”

Snow Day Updates

It’s a snow day across much of the northeast. The snow started off slow overnight, but it’s coming down in buckets now, and I’m glad the kids are home and not on the roads. However, I’m trying to get some work done for the Planning Board for which I am secretary. Ha! Silly me, notContinue reading “Snow Day Updates”

Finding the Helpers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Fred Rogers Foster care is full of darkness. It’s full of abuse, heartbreak, and tragedy. It’s full of underpaid and overworked social workers,Continue reading “Finding the Helpers”