Disabled, officially. For now.

I’ve written before about my health struggles (see here). In sum, I have psoriatic arthritis and ulcerative colitis – both of which are autoimmune diseases – and fibromyalgia, which is an issue with the pain system of the body. The good news is I’ve been awarded social security disability, for now. It’s been a twoContinue reading “Disabled, officially. For now.”

The Power a Good Foster Parent Has

This week I shot an email to Sunny’s attorney and asked her to give me a call when she got the chance. She did so promptly, and I told her in no uncertain terms that Sunny is struggling emotionally here more and more as time passes, and that both her therapist and I think it’sContinue reading “The Power a Good Foster Parent Has”

Dealing with Uncertainty

Foster care is nothing if not filled with uncertainty. We have 10-year-old Sunny with us still. She’s been here 519 days counting today. She says she still wants to go home, but my suspicion is that she would have a very hard time transitioning back to her old style of family life. Her family isContinue reading “Dealing with Uncertainty”

Acting up in public

Last weekend my husband was working, but I fearlessly plowed ahead and took Sunny and Sprout to the Finger Lakes Chapter of Little People of America’s holiday party. Let me start this by praising this organization. I’ve written about them before regarding a baseball game we took the girls to during the summer. Being surroundedContinue reading “Acting up in public”

The joys of chronic illness

How it’s been going: As most of you know, I collect autoimmune diseases. I’ve been diagnosed with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Who knows which of those diagnoses is accurate, but the upshot is that my immune system likes to run amok and damage healthy tissues. The result is pain, stiff swollenContinue reading “The joys of chronic illness”

Waiting Game

I suck at being patient. Just ask my long suffering husband! Court was more than three weeks ago. The possibility of the girls’ third sister moving here at least temporarily was discussed at length at court. The judge didn’t order it, but told the agency they had to make certain medical things happen for theContinue reading “Waiting Game”

The Difference Nine Healthy Months Makes

My Concert Weepies Last night, I sat in a crowded theater full of cheering parents and likewise cheered my kid, who was singing in the 2nd grade chorus concert. Sprout was the wiggliest wildest audience member, along with her BFF, whose parents we got to meet finally for the first time last night. I foundContinue reading “The Difference Nine Healthy Months Makes”

Snow Day Updates

It’s a snow day across much of the northeast. The snow started off slow overnight, but it’s coming down in buckets now, and I’m glad the kids are home and not on the roads. However, I’m trying to get some work done for the Planning Board for which I am secretary. Ha! Silly me, notContinue reading “Snow Day Updates”

Finding the Helpers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Fred Rogers Foster care is full of darkness. It’s full of abuse, heartbreak, and tragedy. It’s full of underpaid and overworked social workers,Continue reading “Finding the Helpers”

A World of Difference

Sprout and I went on a little field trip this week. We’ve been dying to get her into Nemours Children’s Hospital for well over a year now, but the gears grind slowly. First I thought our insurance wasn’t accepted there at all because that’s what I’d been told. Then I found out it could potentiallyContinue reading “A World of Difference”